October 17, - October 24, 2004 - Paris, France

Arrival at Charles de Gaulle airport. This was a huge banner hanging from the ceiling. One of those French ads that leave you wondering...but it sort of caught my eye.


Rambling Expat said…
Hi there, or should I say, Bonjour...?

I like your take on Paris, I lived there for a few year before I become an expat, and always have some very fond memories of the place... After all this is where I meet my wife.

Ok so why no more recent posts on Paris? And the food from Paris?
Ha... The food from over there...
And what about the fishing tackle shop in PAris, some are worth a visit too you know. Some look like real museum "al la Francaise"...

Passez une bonne fin de journee, have a good day,

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